Domestic Charitable Activities

The MOC-USA foundation, the charity arm of the Priory of Saint Peter Nolasco, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  All funds raised in the United States by the MOC-USA are donated to various domestic charities.  Some recent charities have included:

In June of both 2014 and 2015, the MOC joined forces with Music at Saint Mary’s of South Amboy, NJ, in order to fund a construction project for a women and children’s shelter in Jersey City, NJ, called the York Street Project.  The YSP’s affiliated secondary school, Kenmare High School, began a community garden project in 2013 at an industrial location, the use of which was and continues to be donated by the owners of the site. The primary purpose of this garden is to teach the students of Kenmare, mostly women in their late teens and 20s, about healthier eating and living.

In 2014 - Due to the industrial nature of the site, a shelter was desperately needed to provide the women of Kenmare protection from the sun and other elements whilst working in the garden.  It was decided that a deck and pergola should be constructed. The overall scope of the project was coordinated by Chancellor of Special Projects Donna Barbara Turso-Dembowski, MOC, and (then) Commander, HE Don Christopher M. C. Deibert, MJ MOC.  Funds for the construction materials were provided by MASM and 3 anonymous donors, and the labor was donated by members of all three organizations. Construction of the deck and pergola took a total of 6 days.

In 2015 – Additional planting beds were constructed at the site by members of the three organizations.  Also, shelving was constructed in the two on-site greenhouses. Funds were also provided (directly from the MOC) for the construction of a rain-water collection system to be built by the local Boy Scout troop.

Sincere gratitude goes to all who made this project possible:

  • Mr. Bill Humphreys – construction volunteer from YSP
  • Mr. Stephen McCarthy – construction volunteer from MASM
  • Donna Barbara Turso-Dembowski, MOC
  • Don Christopher Deibert, MJ MOC – construction volunteers from MOC
  • Mr. David Harvie – construction volunteer
  • The maintenance crew of the Lackawanna Center:
    • Larry, Larry, Mark, Eric, and Mary;
  • The faculty & students of Kenmare HS who assisted in carrying lumber at the site
  • Mr. Wayne O’Connor for supplying the lattice
  • Mrs. Marleen O’Connor, Kenmare HS Principal, for her unswerving and constantly enthusiastic support.

A ceremony of blessing and dedication was held in late July of 2014.

International Charitable Activities

Other branches of the MOC throughout the world contribute to various international causes. Through the MOC and its Grand Priories a number of humanitarian projects are undertaken around the world:

The Grand Priory of Aragon & Catalonia

Contributes to the running of the Basida Hostel for the poor and socially excluded. The image shows MOC Dames delivering several boxes containing food supplies, clothing and other necessary items.

The Grand Priory of the English Tongue

This Grand Priory has undertaken the largest number of projects through its registered charitable organization MOC Foundation. This is a short list of current projects:

  • Significant monetary donations to the Friends of Belarussia Children Hospice providing much needed respite care to children affected by the Chernobyl distaster.
  • Very extensive contributions to the Blind Relief Association in Delhi, India that supports those who suffer from this disability in the country.
  • Fully supporting an orphanage for boys and girls between the ages of 5 to 13 in Ethiopia and currently expanding it.

The Grand Priory of Northern Italy

The Priory of Friuli supports an orphanage in Bulgaria which houses ninety children. This is ecumenical project run in conjunction with the Abbey of Rosazzo, the local Orthodox Diocese and other local organisations.

The Grand Priory Terra Nordica

The Swedish foundation “Stiftelsen MOC Hjälpverksamhet” is working for the care and upbringing of children, instruction and education, charitable activities for the needy and scientific research, and other enduring humanitarian and cultural purposes. It is a non-profit and non-political unattached foundation which through its own management and gifts from individuals, companies and national or international organizations collects money and distributes them to private persons and national and international charitable projects:

  • Bethlehem project, the Bridgettine Sisters of in Bethlehem are distributing food packages and medicines to needy families with children.
  • Open Door project in the Catholic Cathedral Parish in Stockholm, primarily targeted to people in a difficult social situation.
  • Support of the efforts of the Dominicans in Cameroon

For more information please visit the following link to the relevant MOC charitable organizations: